
Created by wmill4132 10 years ago
When were kids, he was the pesky little devil that wouldn’t keep out of my stuff...I was sixteen ..he was four.We were disconnected by age as children, by interests as young adults and finally by geography for most of our adult life. Only in the last two decades did we become reconnected and frequently called each other. We found that we shared some interests after all. I was always welcome at the home he shared with Sharon, Daniel and Betty. I watched him build a successful life with Sharon,through determination and independence. When the system screwed him over, he walked away, retooled and found a way to provide for his family, his way. He knew his time was short and generously decided to share some of that precious time with myself and Janice. He got a chance to visit his roots, some friends and eat as much seafood as he could manage. We got to know each other better. I watched him compensate for his faulty memory by writing everything down with that dogged independence that was part of who he was. In the end ,you can’t take anything with you. Most of us will not contribute memorable life works. But we do leave behind shared memories and if we are fortunate, children. I share a number of good memories of times spent with Ron; his family must have a great many more. Ron’s legacy is Daniel and Betty, the two fine children that he and Sharon raised. I will miss him. Brother Bill